mc_rtc control

This tutorial aims to explain how to use ur5e robot on mc_rtc.



  • ur_rtde (C++ interface for controlling and receiving data from an UR robot using the Real-Time Data Exchange (RTDE) interface of the robot)

      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sdurobotics/ur-rtde
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt install librtde librtde-dev

Then, you can download and put the following file in /mc-rtc-superbuild/extensions/ .


Then, the mc_rtc_superbuild can be recompiled to install all the dependencies mentioned in the cmake file.

Test installation

Create or edit the file ~/.config/mc_rtc/mc_rtc.yaml with the following content :

MainRobot: UR5e

Enabled: Posture

You can then run the following commands in separated terminals.

roslaunch mc_rtc_ticker display.launch

You should see the robot in rviz and be able to control the joints position using the sliders in Tasks/target

UR5e and mc_rtc control panel in rviz

UR5e and mc_rtc control panel in rviz

Control your robot

In order to control your robot, you need to create a mc_rtc controller. Please refer to mc_rtc tutorials to learn how to create your first controller and get into mc_rtc.

TODO propose a controller example using a EndEffectorTask

  • Simulation

  • Real Robot

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